Company Registration is our specialty and profession

  • Company Registration

    Company Registration

    Company Registration

    Viona Company Registration Inst. with over a decade of experience in the field of registration, and enjoying experienced first grade attorneys and consultants in the field of registration of Limited Liability Companies, Public and Private Joint Stock Companies, registration of general modifications of companies’ documents, arrangements of the minutes, evaluation, sales and purchase of companies, and trademarks & brands registration, is highly honored to provide the individuals and legal entities up with the professional services.

  • Types of company registration

    Registration services

    Types of company registration

    Every business activity should be carried out within the framework of well-organized and systematic organizations in accordance with the laws of the country. To achieve desirability, such organizations should be registered

    • The registration of a joint stock company is of two types
      • Registration of a specific joint stock company
      • Registering a public joint stock company
    • Registration Co., Ltd
    • Enrolled company registration
    • Incorporated mixed non-joint stock company
    • Shared Joint Stock Company Registration
    • Relative company registration
    • Co-opment registration
  • Company Registration Generalities


    Company Registration Generalities

    The company registration company (lawmaker), alongside companies that do business, provides a legal entity that is a legal person for non-commercial or commercial matters. To register a company for each of these companies, you must take specific steps.

  • Brand registration


    Brand registration

    Brand is a name, phrase or sign or a combination of these. The purpose of creating a brand is to distinguish goods or services from other goods and services. But this definition alone cannot convey the concept of "brand". Brand is actually something that anyone can see when they see, hear, touch, or even tweak and smell it, reminding them of the brand's desired brand. Features and concepts related to a specific name. This name can be the name of a company, a store or a specific product

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All relevant services for company registration by the most experienced experts of Viona
Business Card Preparation

Business Card Preparation

Notable items for getting business cards within shortest possible time. Fulfillment of formalities for business card issuance through the commercial consultants of Viona.
Company rankings

Company rankings

Company rankings are in fact referred to as a method of scaling to ensure the quality and quantity of the top contractors for presenting the services as well as backing the rights of beneficiaries.
Applying Modifications of Companies

Applying Modifications of Companies

The required documents for applying modifications of companies and institutions, registering the modifications and companies’ minutes.
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  • What is the purpose of company registration?

    Company Registration Company registration refers to a process by which the individuals or legal entities conclude a contract between each other which includes the rules and regulations of interactions with themselves as well as with third parties (outside the company). Business and company registration: Nowadays, in the world of business, the Brands are known as the most valuable spiritual assets of an organization. The majority of companies would rather register a stable company than a managerial short-term strategy, and there are companies who seek “growth” opportunities in creating successful Brands; therefore, creating a brand management is regarded as an integrated part of corporate strategy, and we can say that the companies who do not enjoy a brand are subject to face basic problems as a matter of ‘Identification”. The advantages of company establishment: establishing a company brings about a Special relation between the partners by means of the specific characteristics of the company contract and put the partners beside one another, not against one another. As applied in Sales Contracts for instance, the Company creates a Right for all partners against their Shares. In individuals/legal entities companies, the “share” is referred to as “Partners’ Share” and in Capital firms are called “Share” which enjoys a special legal nature. On the other hand, the Company Contracts are of a kind which are valid for long periods and cause specific Rights and Commitments for the partners against one another to be taken into consideration.

  • Company Registration Method

    Practical steps for registering a company: You can provide the sample form of documents through Companies Registration Office, fill them out and get undersigned by all partners (founders). Then you are to pay for the registering the name of company through bank, nominate a few Iranian meaningful names in accordance with Islamic culture (no foreign names) which were not already registered by others and submit to “company names department” and obtain the approval. Afterwards, deliver all documents to “documents reception department” and get the receipt as well as the due date to have your approved company name. Such process for the name of company is only performed in Tehran, and all applicants from other cities are to refer to Tehran office. Note 1: The Company Registration Statement is regarded a valuable document and shall be provided through the Companies Registration Office only. To have such document, you are to set an application of company establish. Note 2: The authorized office for company registration: “Companies Registration and Industrial Properties Office”, the subsidiary of Real Estate Registration Office. Note 3: Outside Tehran, where you are not able to access the Department of Real Estate Registration (Main office) or other authorized center, you are to refer to a, and in case no Notary Public exist in your area, you have to refer to the court registry of the area. Note 4: The followings are to be inserted in said minute: The date of meeting, stipulating that the Statute, Declaration and Company documents have been approved and signed by all partners. Determining and stipulating the Board of Directors and the duration of their management. Setting holders the right to sign binding documents, and stipulating that the Board of Directors have legally approved their positions after signing the minute.

  • Registration of Subsidiary Establishment

    In the case of company registrationand establishment of the branch, please note the two options below: Option 1: If the company registration and branch establishment are to be proceeded simultaneously, the address and the personal information of the branch manager shall be inserted in article 122 of the Declaration and consequently mentioned in Founded advertisement. Option 2: If a branch is to be established after the company registration, with regards to the Statute, the full information of the individual or representative, official paper, the relevant minute of Extraordinary general meeting, delegation of authority (certified by BOD, if required) shall be submitted to Companies Registration Office. Important Notes: The notebooks of branch shall be sealed in the head office. The registered number shall not be applied for the branch. No activity license is required for the branch or agency, as the license is previously is obtained by head office. Foreign Branches can be established and work under International trade law. There is no limitation for number of branches for a company. If the foundation advertisement is inserted in the official paper, the branch is regarded as qualified by the Companies Registration Office. The registry place of branch is in head office of company. How to register a company and establish branches in foreign companies: how to set up branches in foreign countries and vice versa: a foreign company that is registered in a foreign country can have branches in Iran. Such branch office shall be only registered in Office of Industrial Property Tehran.

  • What is the purpose of company registration?
  • How to register a company?
  • Registration of Subsidiary Establishment

  • The definition of registration

    The definition of registration

    Setting up group businesses is possible in form of either cooperatives or registered companies. A company is, in fact, a specialized social enterprise that aims to provide part of the community needs, by means of knowledge, expertise and experience of people. Company registration can be done in different types. Companies are either a co-operative people enterprise with charitable purposes, or stock base, or individual. The stock companies include Public Joint Stock Company in which more than half of the total capital is provided through selling shares to the people, and Private Joint Stock Company in which the total capital is provided by shareholders. In Iran, the individual companies are registered in various forms such as Liability Limited companies, General Partnership Companies and Proportional Liability Partnership Companies. Furthermore, sometimes a company is registered in combinatorial form; for instance, combined stock companies and combined non-stock companies include combined relative regulations and types. In combined stock companies, the partners act as both shareholder and individual under specific regulations and in combined non-stock companies, the partners act as individual only under specific regulations, and the difference is if the partners commit a guaranty or not.

  • Private Stock Company Registration

    Private Stock Company Registration

    A Joint Stock Company is a commercial company in which the total capital is provided by the founders of the capital and its capital is divided into the shares, and the liability of shareholders is limited to their nominal value of their shares. The number of shareholders should be at least three and the title of “private stock company” shall be incorporated with the name of company – before or after the name of company – without any space. 1. The minimum required capital for Private Stock Company is at least one million IRRs. 2. Private Stock Company shall be managed by the Board of Directors among the shareholders who are totally of partially revocable. 3. Legal entities can be assigned for the management the company. 4. After the formation and registration of Private Stock Company, the Board of Directors shall, within one week at most from the date of registration of the Company, provide legal notebooks and have them sealed in Companies Registration Office.

  • Public Stock Company Registration

    Public Stock Company Registration

    For implementing and developing major projects like agricultural, industrial and civil projects, it is essential to have a great company. The capital of such companies is provided through people’s small funds against assigning small shares. The founders or managers of such companies put the total funds into appropriate economical cycles which bring about two advantages: First, a benefit is obtained by the shareholder and secondly, it causes prosperity to the country. Public Stock Company is a unique and specific type of company which allows the owners to sell the people’s shares, and the people, at the time of underwriting, refer to the concerned bank branches, sign the commitment forms and transfer the specified sums to the company account. To establish a public stock company, the founders shall at first invest personally at least 20% of the capital and deposit at least 35% of the committed amount in a bank and in name of the company.

  • Cooperative Companies Registration

    Cooperative Companies Registration

    Cooperative companies are the kind of companies in which the total or at least 51% of the original capital are presented to the co-operative stocks by members of the cooperatives. The governmental companies or organizations, or those dependent to/covered by government, ministries, banks, municipalities, Islamic councils of Iran, Foundation of the deprived, etc. are able to – to implement the Paragraph 2 of Article Forty-three of Constitution - assist the cooperative companies without being a member of the company through the interest-free loan or any of the other such as participation, partnership, lease or lease-purchase, installments and compromise. Cooperatives, according to the type of activities, are divided into two categories: (a) Producing cooperatives. (b) Distributing cooperatives.

  • Liability Limited Company Registration

    Liability Limited Company Registration

    As the name implies, either of the partners’ are liable for the debt and obligations of company as per their capital amount and shares in a Liability Limited Company. The phrase “LTD” shall be mentioned after the name of company and no name of any partner shall include in the company name; otherwise, the partner shall be regarded as sponsor against third parties as in General Partnership Companies. The Manager’s criminal liability in limited liability companies is defined by Article 115 of the Commercial Code and the minimum registered capital for limited liability companies is one million IRR.

    Features of a Liability Limited Company

    A) Common aspects of limited liability companies and Investment companies
    B) Common aspects limited liability companies and Individual companies